
Keeping Jewish

Our first anniversary!


Just over a year ago, our Tucson Jewish Community faced serious obstacles that impacted our ability to communicate with each other. 

The Arizona Jewish Post had stopped publishing the local Jewish newspaper while the Covid pandemic raged on and continued to isolate us.

In response, in April of 2021, with the encouragement of a dear friend, Chabad began publishing "Keeping Jewish."

Since its inception, the feedback has been heartwarming and we continued to publish the paper on a monthly basis, to a growing list of appreciative subscribers.

The paper is mailed free to homes, businesses and independent living communities across Southern Arizona.

We are approaching the first anniversary and would be most grateful for your support to continue printing this vital and already beloved publication.

To donate and say Mazal Tov:

Keeping Jewish - Purim issue


The new issue of Keeping Jewish celebrates the holiday of Purim with a practical guide, a recipe for traditional kreplach, interesting facts about Jews of ancient Persia, and coming together as a community.

The feature story was written by playwright and actor Liba Vaynberg about her family's history under Soviet oppression.

The Welcome to Town page introduces Casey Weiss, the new outreach coordinator of Coyote TaskForce which helps the homeless.

Other articles discuss Tucson's support for Ukraine, how labor shortages will affect Passover shopping, how happiness is the ultimate revenge and a Name Game to fill out while reading the Book of Esther.

Looking for older posts? See the sidebar for the Archive.