
Keeping Jewish - Rosh Hashana 5783

Wednesday, 31 August, 2022 - 12:16 am

 Keeping Jewish September 2022.jpg

In the Rosh Hashana issue of Keeping Jewish:

Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Sari Horwitz talks about corporate accountability, teshuvah, and celebrating holidays in Tucson.

Rabbi Yehuda Ceitlin writes about voting for the first in the primary election this past month - and its spiritual connection.

A new Rabbi & Rebbetzin are joining Chabad at the University of Arizona, and there's a kosher pizza truck serving up fresh pies.

We have a guide to the observances of the month of Elul and the traditions of Rosh Hashanah (Sep. 25-27, 2022), plus a delicious cinnamon apple kugel recipe.

Welcome to town: Staff Sgt. Corey Silfen who serves at David-Monthan Air Force Base and loves the outdoors.

Read about the connection between Labor Day and Elul, a touching story about a new year's greeting card, and humor about crazy laws that are surprisingly still valid.

Do you know South Africans? Take the quiz on their Jewish traditions.

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