
Keeping Jewish - Shavuot issue

Tuesday, 9 May, 2023 - 3:48 pm


The May issue of Keeping Jewish features the story of the Levkowitz family, pioneers of Cong. Young Israel of Tucson and the first Mikvah in Arizona.

In honor of the Shavuot holiday: 9 facts that you should know, 10 women who impacted Torah scholarship, savory cheese verenikas, honoring freedom, and a word search for the books of the Bible.

Welcome to town: Ben Turgeman, an aspiring diplomat who is working as an adjudicator at the Western Passport Center.

Our history pages include some forgotten tragedies from this month and, in honor of Mother's Day, a call to reframing the caregiving experience. Our humorist wants a better way to end a conversation. 

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